Minggu, 11 Januari 2015

Hello girls... sometimes or should be, the girls or women should be like in mysterious way, just like a butterfly, they are pretty to see but hard to catch. On my opinion, if we have a relationship, or single finding someone, looking for someone? We should be like a butterfly, try to open your social side and spread your wings, but we have to remember the limitation of relationship. Jadi orang orang ngga macam macam sama kita. Intinya sih biar orang orang menghormati dan ngga menganggap kita sebagai gampangan. Tentunya ya kita harus pintar yahh hahhaa..
Okay, as a media social user, i often see lot of friends posting bout their relationship with girlfriend and boyfriend. me as a single) haha very happy to see their posting statement. But i really like the happy posting, such as like post a photo together, or happy post statement. And i dont like a sad posting, ngga dibilang ga suka sih, tapi rada pegel juga ya kalo tiap hari posting status yg galau, sedih, dan sebagainya. Misal:  "dicuekin habis2an, ditelpon ga diangkat, mau nya apa sih?bener bener ga ada waktu buat aku???".
If this situation for teenagers, ok fine. But for us as a pre adult 20 - 30? C'mon... its just a status in relationship as a boyfriend, as a girlfriend, not in engaged, not married. just take it easy guys... if they dont have a time for you, do your own life. Just enjoy your life, world still exist if they dont exist. Ga melulu kan hidup itu untuk pacaran doank? Janganlah terlalu menuntut suatu hubungan dari mereka, istilahnya jangan terlalu cinta. Kalau beneran cinta mereka pasti ga bakalan merasa seperti di paksa atau dikejar kejar untuk selalu nunjukin rasa sayang atau cinta. Mereka pasti selalu ada waktu kok buat kalian. And who knows, they act like they dont care with you, because they've been trying to struggle for saving money to be with you in the future... yes?? Yes!! Just think positive.
Kalaupun ternyata ngga seperti itu pasti akan keliatan juga kok.

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