Jumat, 18 Mei 2012

my 8-5 life

as a internship recruitment in one of the biggest propertygrou p, i really proudto  be here, there's a lot of experience that i get about psychology, even its relly hactic in one of the days

i do love conducting test, i do love scoring test... so many kind of test i've learn. such as papikostic, graphic test,ist, frt, disc, but the most important test n really quirky for me is PAULI test. scared yet exciting to conductth is test. all u need is concentrate n stay focus, if not? weeeeeeew messy.... 

like what i've done a few month ago as a still new internship, i do so many mistake for pauli test, so sorry guys! actually pauli test only 20 line in each paper that candidates done. but me? at that time i made 21 line for all candidates pauli  paper, hahaha....  me is trouble maker! its because the stopwatch is switch off suddenly, i was being nervous, shaking and i made that trouble, hiks

but its giving me experience to do better, n now alhamdulilah better. now i want to learn the administration in HRD, must organized to do this well, n i'm not yet! go go ayu.....

thank you for all ASG team, especially HRD team, sorry for all mistakes that i've done, aku masih pengen banyak belajar... hihi...

happy world lupus day!

i remember a few years ago when i was chubby n moon face

n it's all because methylprednisolone< cavit D3, Cellcept, n lots of medicine that i've been Junk over the years, haha 

3-5 bulan pertama aku didiagnosis lupus adalah bulan terberat untuk aku jalanin, masih terasa sakit, dosis obat sedang tinggi-tingginya yang dalam sehari aku bisa minum 20an butir obat dan karena obat itu aku jadi chubby dan moon face. mukaku beneran beda dan semua orang yang aku kenal jadi pangling dan ga kenal sama aku, bahkan ada yang nanya "kamu siapa?" padahal itu orang deket aku. ada juga yang nanya "ayu/ningrum kemana?" padahal aku ada di sebelahnya, haha sigh... 

tapi sekarang udah ngga lagi, here i am, i'm alive n i'm lupus survivor !!

Selamat hari lupus sedunia....!! May 10th 2012...

Minggu, 06 Mei 2012

marry me

                                                             kim hyun joong - marry me

sebenarnya dulu ngga terlalu suka sama cowok korea ini, tapi pas dia ngeluarin single di luar band nya SS501, aku jadi suka sama lagu-lagunya, salah satunya lagu ini apalagi music videonya bikin mupeng dilamar pake konsep pasir begini, hahahaha.... mengkhayal....

long time no post

i really miss for blogging, but actually i dont have much time to post because my 8-5 time, just at this time i have a lil time to blogging, okay i start to blog my new and my lovely stuff... but sorry to say if this post isn't very important, haha but i do love this stuff....

corsage i made by myself, hello kitty, blackberry, n novel by dee 'perahu kertas', i do love this novel especially about the dream...

i just bought blackberry case by lolypoly, as usuall perfume by bodyshop, and finally..... i have kaffah by siti juwariyah, since last year i really want this schiffon scarf. 


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