Jumat, 24 Februari 2012

so lazy

"Today i swear i'm not doing anything..."
kalau udah ketemu hari sabtu bawaannya males banget, mau nya pengen aja tidur dan males-malesan di kamar, it's me time!!!
tapi tiba-tiba keinget sama kata-kata Alm Bapak,

"ada hadis yang mengatakan, kalau kamu lagi tidur, setan ikat badan kamu dengan 3 tali yang bikin kamu males bangun"

akupun jadi penasaran sama kata kata Bapak, dan aku cari-cari deh hadist itu dan akhirnya dapat:

Abu Hurayrah radiallahu anhu: he said: That the Prophet sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam said: "The demon will tie your neck when you're sleeping, with three ties, so that you sleep all night. If one of you woke up with the name of Allah, then demon take off the first bond. Then if one of you ablutions, than demon will take off the second bond. And if it continued with the prayer, then take off third bond, so that you will be excited and be clear. If not, then your heart will be matted and lazy"(Narrated / hadist by Muslim)

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