Selasa, 18 Maret 2014

single fighter-monoton-comfort zone (again)

HRD ( Human Resources of Development ) Recruitment, tugas-tugasnya adalah
  1. Bertanggung jawab dalam membantu dan melaporkan kepada HRD (Human Resources Of DevelopmentManager dalam bidang hiring & firing tenaga kerja
  2. Menyusun prosedur seleksi recruitment karyawan baru.
  3. Melakukan koordinasi ke departemen lain untuk mengumpulkan rencana permintaan karyawan setiap tahun dan membuat status data karyawan dan turnover setiap bulan dari masing-masing divisi.
  4. Memasang iklan lowongan kerja, melakukan sortir lamaran, melakukan tes psikologi dan interview awal untuk mendapatkan calon karyawan yang sesuai.
  5. Merekomendasikan kandidat berdasarkan hasil tes psikologi dan interview awal, serta mengatur jadwal interview lanjutan (user, hrd, presdir), agar proses rekrutmen dapat berjalan dengan baik sesuai rencana.
  6. Menyiapkan perjanjian kerja dan kontrak kerja karyawan serta mengupdate masa berlakunya kontrak kerja.
  7. Menginput data karyawan dan ke sistem agar semua terdata dengan baik
  8. Membuat laporan rekapitulasi mutasi, promosi dan status karyawan (tambahan anak, menikah, berhenti)

HRD... HRD... HRD... those description lil bit can describe about my job. But if you click the link of the source. You can read completely what HRD structure.

Yes, you are right! To work in HRD departemen is not only finding people,psychotest,interview,admin-findinh people,psychotest,interview,and admin again. If you decide to choose psychology industry organizational for your future job, please be kind to read lot of source about HRD.

You can be HRD Recruitment, industrial relation, training development, compensation benefit, payroll, general affair or welfare staff.

Until now, I'm still doing HRD recruitment, and its so monoton and bored. Actually I love this job but if I just doing it in every day, its gonna be a boring job for me. I want to get out from this comfort zone to try another job from HRD. 

But its okay if I'm still being there, be a single fighter again in comfort zone-monoton-bored of something hahaaa... just enjoy what I got now. If i have a chance to find better hopefully I can learn those one by one.

break a leg, keep step forward, be good!! 

Minggu, 16 Maret 2014

cheating on my busy

Since I got a job last year , I dont have much time to my alter ego as a crafter or writer. So I decide to cheating on my busy..

My daily activity now just like an operational job in factory, yeah you can call me as a 'labour' ? Haha...

Monday to saturday, 8 - 4.30, (excuses, I mean 6 - 6.30) . In the morning, finding people to my company, me is a recruitment staff. Test and interview people who have been invited by me and another activity I cant tell you one by one.

In the evening, home at least 6.30 I just do something lazy like, eating, read magazine, novel, and sleeping until morning.

Actually I'm bored with those activity, so for now I'm feelin like, I got my art-crafter passion back to my soul so I did this today :

I dont mean to sell them, because they are only 1 pcs. but if you (maybe) interest to have them please contact me 081210206685 for whatsapp or pin bb 73de4d0d .

another activity to cheat on my busy is food photography. As a amateur, actually. So sorry if its not good as a professional..

I usually upload them on instagram @ayuseaning . 
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